Friday, October 9, 2009

Paranormal Activity, I’m Glad You Weren’t in 3D

excerpt from my review:

I really dislike scary movies (and the Scary Movie series for that matter). When I saw The Ring, it was on HBO at 10 in the morning in the middle of July with the summer sun beaming into my living room, and I still couldn’t bear to see a television screen for an entire month afterwards. I totally went analog and had to read books for entertainment. It was terrible. All the characters sounded like me!...

Read the rest of my review at!


Sama said...

haha great review

pet cemetery made me want to get rid of my cat asap

the ring made me into a man

Unknown said...

he writes movie reviews and emits extreme verbal eloquence/diarrhea on this blog. what doesn't boogie brown do? P.S. - when it comes down to it, i am impressed as i told you before