Friday, April 17, 2009

Fun with Flirtation

I once picked up a girl in a bar. She then yelled in my ear, "Put me down!"

I once kicked game to a girl at this party. She kicked the LA rapper right back to me.

I was once hitting on a girl in the park. What else could I do? I was up at bat and she wouldn't stop lying on top of home plate. I guess my cleats in her leg didn't help.

I once tried to holler at this shorty at the mall. The dwarf girl told me to lower my voice.

I once macked it to this female at the library. She said, "Sorry, I'm a PC."

I once solicited a prostitute. She gladly stepped into my vehicle. I then dressed her in the finest apparel and took her to swanky functions, the opera, and even a polo match. In return, she melted my icy heart and made me a better person. She later went on to put on a memorable performance in Erin Brokovich.

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