Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Botanical Ova Question of the Day

Am I the only one surprised that an eggplant isn't a shrub with hard-boiled chicken eggs growing from its branches? And I was so hoping to pair it with the breakfastsausageplant, a little cheeseplant, and sandwich it with some Englishmuffinplant. How very disappointing.

Instead of chowing down, I guess I'll keep myself preoccupied by wondering which came first: the chickenplant or the eggplant.


blur said...

There is actually a breadfruit. It's kind of bread-like on the inside. It's not quite an englishmuffinplant though, so we're still no closer to cross breeding them all into a farm of self-sustaining "Bacon'n'EggMcMuffinplants". Rats...

Unknown said...

i say you should be careful what you wish for... especially when it comes to things like the jackfruit, notably the black and kevorkian varieties. starfruit would quite possibly solve the energy crisis, tho. also, DRAGON FRUIT, ANYONE?

Boogie Brown/The Brian said...

aw, poor dragon fruit. that's what all the thugged out dragons call that one dragon with the tight corduroys and a sense of pizzaz.