Sunday, May 24, 2009

Eurotrippin Joint #4

Brown from Amsterdam here, taking in some purple. The sky is blue, the water is green, and the elephants are a delightful turquoise. The people are white but are only as tall as my thumb. My thumb however is the size of the mooon! I hope to traverse the canals soon perhaps riding atop a pink unicorn. And at some point, have a run in with Van Gogh or Vermeer. Maybe they'd be down for some Sun Chips and Hendrix.

Last stop: the airport

P.s. The toilet bowls are oddly shaped here. The hole of water sits closer to the front of the seat. So when u pee aiming for the center like good little soldiers do, the bowl collects a puddle of piss and slowly overflows creating a cascading waterfall in to the actual water hole. It's so absurd to see, kinda like this entry.