Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Oxymoronic Peanutty Question of the Day

Lucy: You're only eight years old and you're balder than a chemo patient.
Charlie Brown: Good grief!
Lucy: Plus that wack t-shirt of yours makes it look like your stomach has a giant mouth with razor sharp teeth.
Charlie Brown: Augghh! Good grief!!
Lucy: By the way, do you happen to have an older, wittier brother named Boogie?

I've spent an absurd amount of my young life pondering over this catch phrase of Charlie Brown's. What exactly is good grief? This oxymoron makes less sense than Pauley Shore in a David Lynch movie. (Too obscure? Let's try that one again.) This oxymoron makes less sense than finding a poop in your refrigerator. "How did that get there?" It ranks right up there with "clean coal" and "nice Uggs."

So if Charlie Brown thinks grief is good, does that make him some kind of perverted masochist? Does he say "good grief" in a raspy porn voice? Is that why he continues to try to punt the football knowing full well that Lucy will always pull the ball away right before his foot connects causing him to flip over and land ungraciously on his back? And when he utters "good grief" afterwards, he really means the pain is goooooood.

When positive things happen to Charlie Brown, does he say "bad delight"? "I won the lottery? $1,000 everday for the rest of my life?? Aw, bad delight!!!" "Me and the little red-headed girl are getting married. Bad delight!!!"

Is there any sort of grief Charlie Brown would consider bad grief? Like the polar ice caps melting? Or the last episode of Friends?

And why do we always refer to him using his full name when everyone else is just Linus, or Lucy, or Franklin (token black guy)? Is it so we don't get him confused with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? It kind of reminds me of Asian people with monosyllabic first and last names--you just gotta say the whole thing.

1 comment:

Wesley said...

james lin. done and done.