Friday, October 10, 2008

Romantic Possibilities Question of the Day

As an ever-maturing young man, I'm beginning to feel the desire for the sustained companionship of a young woman (give or take half my age + 7). I've carefully considered numerous candidates for whom I can fulfill the role of Boogie Beau. I think the most efficient way to narrow down my choices is to arrange an NCAA Tournament bracket of 64 eligible women and have them face off in pairs. Blog-readers may realize their electoral power by answering a simple question for each round of romance rivalry: Who should I date? Most votes (in the electoral college) wins.

In this first round, of these two candidates for cuddling, who should I date?

Ashley Banks

Why I like her: She can sing and looks hot in a Dippity Doo Dog uniform. Because I know I’m more manly than ex-bf Tevin Campbell. And she’s already dated Rufio at least twice. She’s definitely into the lumpia. (see the movie Fakin’ Da Funk if you don’t believe me) Plus the girl is mad rich and can bankroll my career as a professional man of leisure. “Fill banks like Phil Banks.”


The Green M&M

Why I like her: She’s got great eyes and she’s made of chocolate. Let me repeat that in my best Joe-Biden-repeating-a-point voice: She’s made of chocolate.

And if anyone ever accused me of being racist, I could just tell them “Hey, I’m not racist. My girlfriend’s green…and made of chocolate.”


lawdamercy said...
she was so cute in this video! rockin those sketchers and whatnot.

i vote for the human option.

Unknown said...

the green M&M has a lot of things going for her. but let's not forget she's just not made out of chocolate. MILK chocolate my friend, milk, so if you're Lactose Intolerant or have friends that are, she's dangerous.