Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fun with Online Communication Questions of the Day

Does Will Smith run a secret wordpress where he writes entries as "I Am The Legend of Blogger Vance"?

Does Parker Brothers run a live journal about board games under the name "Bloggle"?

Does Oscar-winning director of Crouching Tiger and Brokeback Mountain post online about how he's a fuckup in life as "xAnga Lee"?

Does the wife a former Democratic Vice President tweet constant status updates about the environment as "Twipper Gore"?

Can I instant message the rehab reject, black-soul imitating singer "AIMeeWinehouse" and tell her to lay off the smack?

Is America's Best Dance Crew as articulate with their words as they are with their bodies when they live journal as the "Jabbabloggeez"?

Can I find the twitter page of London white-boy rapper under the name "The STweets"?

Does the baddest badass in history Chuck Norris send SMS messages as "Walker Textas Ranger"? The only text you will ever get from Chuck Norris is 'Look behind you.' This is also the last text you will ever get.

Can I friend the dejected Giants wide receiver "Plaxo-co Burress" over an online social networking site and remind him to keep the safety on?

Does the pope only follow one person on Twitter because he believes in "monotweetism"? However, that's a concept I still don't understand because the 'one' person is really three people updating. He says that I just need to have faith in the "Holy Tweetnity."


MV said...

Yall gotta check this out. Welcome to the Twittersphere!!!

But I know yall have friends...right? Or else you wouldn't be

Unknown said...

B! just twit it alright.

You think MC Hammer is busy making his remix for the generation, "2 Legit 2 Twit?"

What would that dance look like?

or you think grade school and HS folk don't even write in each other's Yearbooks anymore and they just write on each other's Facebook Walls saying "It was nice knowing you. Have a great summer" ?

---another classic post.