Friday, August 29, 2008

She Got McCained!

I wonder how many times George, I mean John, McCain has thought about casting his rod into Palin's Alaskan front. She's like a less attractive Tina Fey...without the humor...and without the pro-choiceness...and without Tracy Morgan ("Liz Lemonnn!").

Caption: McSame says, "damn, I wanna tap her youthful base. I wanna drill her oil reserve. I wanna fill her oval office!"

Palin says, "jerry atric over here keeps calling me by the wrong name. I hope his pacemaker gives. He smells like old balls."


Jenny said...

i admit i have succumbed to frequenting your blog because it's loads more interesting than reading ppl's lame status updates on facebook (and the fact that you actually know what's going on in the world is quite refreshing). as for mccain's rod comment: ew. and as for palin, her resume is quite impressive: 80% approval rating in alaska, voluntarily took a paycut as mayor and lowered taxes, all the while having 5 kids [one with down-syndrome... so i can see why she's pro-choice], a blue-collar husband, and still younger than 50. i can't wait to see her up against biden. i think mccain's choice in a running mate definitely made this election a lot more interesting!

MV said...

"Lizz Lemon, its the Black Crusaders!"

"Have you ever been hit in the head with a dirty pamper???"

"Have you ever broke a Puerto Rican dude's arm over sweat pants money?!"

Wesley said...

@jenny from the block: lolz. Palin is anti abortion, not pro choice. maybe that's what you meant. How is it that having a blue-collar husband made it onto her resume? Palin honestly makes me nervous. she's so bad, she's good for the republicans.

Jenny said...

oops i meant *pro-life. (thanks for the correction) and obviously the part where i wrote about her husband and her kids isn't inclusive of her resume(hence the "all the while"). i do think it's interesting to see where her family's own demographic falls. i don't see how palin could be so bad, care to explain?

jenny l said...

ewww. but funny. maybe a follow up post on her pregnant teenage daughter? and other intrigues...

MV said...

jammin on the one, jammin on the one...

"My name is Darnel Anderson. I wanna say something to the sweety in the yellow shirt, could you take one of your titties and make me slide down the side a mountain full of razor blades into a pool full of alcohol climb a buildin butt naked and tongue kiss a lizard. Geez!"

SC said...

i'm a product of abstinence-only teaching. and we see how well that worked out... yay catholic school.

SC said...

i just realized that my comment kind of suggests that i have kids. i do not have kids. i'm just painfully awkward.