Monday, August 18, 2008

Olympic Thought of the Moment #2

"Sudden Death" is the worst example of false advertising. I'm still waiting to see an athlete lose a game and then immediately lose their life. It never seems to happen. Disappointment ensues as breathing continues. I keep thinking that as soon as the opposing team scores, the losers will suddenly get mamed by a pride of lions. ("Aargh! a lion!!") Or the field beneath them will open up as they fall into the depths of the scorpion pit. ("Aargh! a scorpion!!") Or the hand of god will come swooping from the heavens and crush the players like a flyswatter. ("Aargh! the hand of god!!") And yes, I believe in Old Testament god. What ever happened to a good ol' smiting?

1 comment:

jody a said...

"sudden death" is one of the top 2 movies of cinematic history. not only did jean claude manage to thwart the terrorists threatening to take over the world, but he also made one of the remarkable saves of stanley cup lore. and then he fought the main bad guy on the roof of the arena. what a flick