Monday, September 29, 2008

Lost in IM Translation

MrBojangles: Hollllaaaaaa!

xEyeHeartMarioLopez: why must you yell at me in Spanish?

xEyeHeartMarioLopez: you know I don’t habla the espanol

MrBojangles: holla not hola!

xEyeHeartMarioLopez: well stop holla-ing at me

xEyeHeartMarioLopez: you know I don’t espeak the jive

MrBojangles: man, you dumb

xEyeHeartMarioLopez: mute or mentally deficient?

MrBojangles: definitely the latter, but I’m wishing it was the former too

xEyeHeartMarioLopez: aw shite, my balls ache…male birth control was a bad idea

End scene.

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