Friday, August 7, 2009

Dealbreakers! Part Deux!

Cruzin, the bruised craisin responsible for all this broken deal talk, has generously contributed her own list of DB's as she calls them. She is a master DB spotter, so read carefully. Enjoy!

He eats a turkey leg while shitting...DB!

He only engages in sex while dressed up as a beaver...DB!

He's one of the wiggles...DB! (see picture for the Wiggles)

The carpet don't match the drapes...DB!

He takes laxatives as his source of fiber...DB!

His dog makes out with his penis...DB!

His penis makes out with the mirror...DB!

He uses proactiv on his ass...DB!

He's always fooled by and has a conversation with someone's voicemail greeting that goes "Hello [pause] Who is this? [pause] This is a recording..."...DB!

He wears socks with sandals...DB!

His web browser automatically clears its history...DB!

He hits me...DB!

Note: Despite the crass humor invoked in today's blog entry, the persistent problem of domestic violence is no laughing matter. To find out more information on how to stop domestic violence, visit the website for the National Domestic Violence Hotline or visit your local library and learn more. Let's break the silence and end domestic violence.


MV said...

this is funny!

Rachelle said...
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Rachelle said...

his favorite music is EVERYTHING...DB!

he uses the crook of your elbow as a handkerchief...DB!

he says "let's go on a weekend getaway!" and he takes you to tommy bahamas...DB!

-cruzin (under another alias)


she has more than one alias...DB!